
Exhibitions are the place for you to show your talents in a way that can be enjoyed by as many attendees as possible over the course of Halcy-Con. Have you built your very own SK-620 and want to show him off? What about a perfect reproduction of the Hyperspace Compass? Maybe a giant laser etched “Unified Galaxy” mural? This is the place to show that off!

But it’s not just the place for recreations of things from the Starcruiser. We’d love our Exhibition Showcase to host a variety of displays and experiences! Large Halcyon themed Lego displays, interactive activities, meticulously researched displays featuring all the events aboard the 275th journey of the Halcyon, Halcyon Crew custom Action Figures… if it’s something you can show off and can be experienced by everyone (or at least almost everyone at Halcy-Con), we want to see it! 

This community is an endless well of talent and creativity! There are so many people doing and creating cool things and we want to make sure that everything has a place to be shown off!