Watch your email and may the Force be with you! We received an overwhelming amount of interest in the Pre-Registration sessions at Halcy-Con, which is both amazing and far beyond the attendance capacity of these sessions. All the Pre-Reg requests have been processed and emails are being sent now (Sunday, Sept 29 at 7pm EST) to the selected applicants of each Pre-Reg session.
- The email all Pre-Reg applicants received upon submitting their requests IS NOT an acceptance email that you have a reservation to a Pre-Reg session. All actual acceptance emails are being sent Sunday, Sept 29 at7pm EST or later and the subject line will begin with “Congratulations! You have a reservation for”.
- Be sure to whitelist, as this is where the acceptance emails will be sent from.
- Check your spam folder over the next 24 hours just in case.
- If you are not selected for a Pre-Reg session, you will not receive an additional notification.
- Not selected? Stop by the desired session onsite and ask the Teal Team volunteer member assigned to the room if there is any capacity due to no-shows or other changes.
Ba ma’ shay, everyone!
Cass / Lady Annazena